Saturday, July 7, 2007

Some time last week, I decided to stop blogging as my roommate and spunky (both being diff people) hinted ever so slightly (or maybe quite blatantly) at my footage-hungriness (is that a word?) and all that.. so I lay low and despite wanting to blog about something last week, i controlled myself...

then i happened to chance upon mainaks blog/website and then clicked on a few connections and finally read an article by a software engg. in Infy chennai on why he blogs.. it was awesome.. and though I wasnt smart enough to keep the link remember a couple of points.. 'Helps me communicate to people things that I wouldnt really have done either because a) its a different side of my character that they have not seen earlier b) its stuff that i dont feel confident about talking in public and c) i simply dont have the context to talk this with my frends in a day to day life scenario... and then he goes on about how he encourages all his frends to read it to get a more 360 degree view of who he is..

so , nett, blogging is back.. cos i have self justified its importance :p


Faiz said...

ze thumbs up! .. :)

unpredictable said...

dude .. random, useless, lacking confidence, pseudo 'private' people going around saying things about blogging shud never never stop u from writing .. u write too well to be stopped by tht junk .. and i still click on ur link every day .. so thanks for not stopping!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!