Tuesday, September 18, 2007

taking a tag: my first :)

Succumbing to the pitfalls of promising something you haven’t thought through – yet again.. here I am taking up unpredictables tag on ‘my biggest quirks’

To be completely honest, I don’t remember if it was quirks or if was oddities or weirdnesses or what – but I think it was generally in that area and my current in-flight status (Bangalore to Mumbai) doesn’t allow me to go and check - so here goes!

1) Superstition : I like to believe this is not in a very bad way J, but I have a lucky interview shirt, the lucky cricket whites, the lucky bat, the ‘big presentation’ set of clothes and all that..
2) Bathroom floors: I absolutely ABHOR walking on wet bathroom floors, just completely hate them. Fullstop.
3) Am I weird to not like middle seats in flights. And NO – its nothing to do with my waistline!
4) The need to see everything, always – for those who wear spectacles – ud probably understand what I go through – I don’t take my specs off while sleeping, while bathing even swimming till I found powered goggles J
5) I need my ears warm – honestly, I don’t know why this is not the case with everyone. The one part of the body I need to cover first in cold times is my ears – why do ppl stare at a poor guy using a blanket to cover his ears in a flight? If I wasn’t scared of being killed with bong based comments, id wear a monkey cap forever. Id even get them matching with my clothes
6) Soft bananas – fewer eatables are more disgusting than ‘gone soft’ bananas with those squishy black marks .. yechhhhh!
7) ‘sms barrage’ : I usually have sms sending attacks – these are bursts of 15 mins when I send sms’s to frends and folks – some long due, some random.. just feel the need to communicate. Never really understood this.. just happens. Whether its on the way to airports, or while walking home, or just some time in office.

I cant remember any others.. can you?

oh btw.. tagging ganji, faiz, sleazy, mak (this ought to be good hehe!)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

atoning for my sins

A few weeks ago - i felt the gnawing sensation that I have begun to associate with my craving for blogging.. and thru the ensuing hectic weeks it receded to a dull pain somewhere - constantly reminding me that i needed an outlet..

anyway, here I am, back to living my very erratic online existence (yes Bharat, erratic with an 'a' is also a word).. just that I dont know where to start from..

Pauline once told me that you should not change > 2 major things in life at the same time.. and I think I may have done 1 too many.. so here go the big changes..

a) Spunky is here .. finally - after more than two years of living away from each other, we've landed up in not just the same city - but the same company too! I warned her about the latter.. but u know the young of today..

Ive got a few hundred questions about how it is this far, and my answer remains the same.. i dont know! it still feels like a holiday and we really dont know how couples who live in the same city feel like.. talk about getting used to long distance relationships!

b) We've moved to a new house.. still not gotten over the loss of the simply awesome elmira heights.. a overall downgrade in the face of fast rising rental rates, but still pretty decent. The best thing about this place is the convenience, its right at the office junction which reduces my need to travel to a max of 500 m.

The huge downside is the state at which the house is right now, paint peeling off, leaky bath tubs, 15 inch tv, doors that scare you with thier creaking and need to shut by themselves.

c) Ive changed roles.. From a time where i worked with a team of 10 non-indians to now where I have only Indians to work with. And boy! is it different .. almost like a flip or whats imp and whats not..

The role is fantastic, so are the people.. and oh! i still have to do the crappy work, but still, its no Herbal Essences Australia..

anyway, a combination of all of this has me gasping for breath - taking its toll of items such as blogging etc etc..

feels good to be back.. cheers!