Friday, April 6, 2007

The oil crisis

okay - this is not a normal blog - its a cry of distress, an appeal for help - in anyway possible (money is preferred, but words of sympathy will also do for now)..

This is the story of the hair drippers.. Nayak and Bharat.. Nayak more than Bharat.. Our man Nayak isnt called the 'Blurr' for nothing.. his speed on the football field is matched only by his speed of hairloss...(they say send nayak to the amazonian rain forests and he will make the sahara out of it..).. So Nayak in the interest of Shahana not having to marry a bald guy, decides that he needs to step up his hair care regime..

Now a normal person would do a lot of research and then finally choose from several of the Shampoos, conditioners, treatments blah blah or even go to specialist clinics, but our man decided by a combination of intuition & plain stupidity that he needed to step up his 'hair oil' regime.. So now.. instead of the once a week that ud see him with hair oil all over his glistening (and rather large) forehead, we get to see him almost 3 times a week... rivulets of oil down the back of his neck and down the sides of face... as if he stood under the shower and it rained oil on him.. and thats just the way it looks, the smell is like you took a rotten egg, and sprayed it with tons of Jovan Musk in an attempt to make it smell good - but completely failed at it..

And now imagine.. having to sleep in the same room as a person wearing this! and as Bharat just told me imagine going outside like this - Nayak supposedly went to office like this one day .. ewww..

Talking of Bharat, here is a closet dripper.. he oils his hair 4 days a week but does it in the confines of his room after all have slept and washes it off next morning 1st thing.. cant really complain can I - but can feel bad for Deepthi for sure ;)

So there is my problem.. need some solutions, have considered a variety of options, including throwing the bottles to killing them .. but happy to hear of any new solns..

btw.. price of petrol may come down a cpl of bucks if these guys stop oiling their hair .. so there .. now u have a reason to help me!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like this nayak guy you talk about is really attractive! Nothing hotter than a metrosexual man who takes such good care of himself. Lucky girl shahana..

Anonymous said...

this other guy you talk abt 'bharat' sounds even cooler. takes care of himself and nobody is the worse for it. lucky girl deepti...

srikant said...

Dear Anonymous, the Second (of the 'lucky girl Deepti' fame). Let me tell u a secret. This 'Bharat' guy isnt the real closet oilphiliac, its actually the ConfusedRambler who is. Sources tell me that he inundates his ear with hot oil and keeps it clogged whenever he has an ear itch.
Dear Anonymous, the First (of the 'lucky girl shahana' fame), I tend to agree with you. Must be a guy with a lot of character to be not ashamed of taking care of himself. I mean some good ol coconut oil (albiet smelly and sticky at times) massaged into the scalp fortnightly does do a lot of good. I mean much better than "Lose your hair in 20 days with Herbal Essences regime!!!"

Shiv u dog, next time ur awake ur hair is gonna smell funny and then u blame urself for this blog!

hahahah.. :D