Saturday, March 24, 2007

how do they sustain themselves

This blog today is dedicated at the one question that I ask myself everytime i think of Shankar - 'Why?Why would you work this hard?'..

To start off, ill take a couple of steps back and show u the large picture (diligently doing what Alissa - my boss taught me to do.. :p .. 'take a step back Shiv!' ). There are 4 kinds of jobs :

a) High effort and high return : I banking/consulting kinda work i think
b) High effort and low return (god help these ppl ) : sales cos. in india, a lot of non-i banks
c) Low effort and high return : this is the kind that doesnt exist :pp.
d) Low effort and low return : This is the zone of the slackers, the poets, the painters, photographers etc etc and as post MBA options - u have the P&Gs and a host of IT companies

The typical P&G person would lumber in at 9:30ish and makes his way to the pantry area (or if your aussie or wannabe aussie - ud get spinnelli) to get his days first shot of caffeine.. and add to that the subsequent quick exchange of gossipary(is that a word?) notes and you've spent the best part of the next 30 mins.

The rest of the day is not very different - only interspersed with 'meetings' - basically avenues of doing IM! - anyways - i will not digree into a describing a typical day - will leave that for another day..

Back to Shankar - our diligent IIT, IIM topper type guy who is a Tam bram to boot - rational and structured to the core, does not believe in ambiguity - a full head and shoulders above any1 ive met at clarity and depth of thinking ... A guy who will question the smallest thing till he has understood it to a level that u didnt know exist - People call him the 'Why why?' guy. - He is the only one ive met who can break down an emotional response to several smaller rational ones :)

Anyway - our man is a non-typical P&Ger in several ways :
1) He will not stop at a 80:20 analysis - no analysis is complete without doing the full 100% even if that takes 5 more hours
2) He does not believe in constraints like 'personal time' and 'sleep' - supposedly the only question he asks himself is 'can i work a little more to grow the business'

Anyway - the objective of the blog is not to glorify or vilify shankha - its to try and understand what makes these people that driven? Ive got several very very driven frends - Gopi, Tholia, Anuj, Soumi etc etc - but none of the others put so much fight for so less return .. and I continue to wonder..

So we did a 'why-why' analysis with Shankha - and it turns out that he wants to do it for himself - to feel good about what he is doing at work - to revel in self glory that he has gone that extra distance today ... and his learning everyday sustains him!

And im surprised - and pleasantly - cos everytime some said in an interview that im there for the 'learning' - i thought it was a whole load of bull - and today to see some1 really live that life.. wow...

anyway - yet another useless blog - doesnt help any1 - doesnt talk about issues.. just a rambling of whats going on in my mind.. and especially when in a confused head - its a sureshot recipe for what shankar would call - 'hopeless meandering in the desert'.


unpredictable said...

Its apalling to say the least when u put down the value of 'non objective driven meandering'. The only thing we can do better than the animals is think, and the only way we can tell others about the richness of our thoughts is write! So why wud anyone not do that!! I love reading this stuff u put up .. pls to keep at the blogging regularly! U write seriously well .. and u dont even realize it !!

shiv said...

hmm - tru tru - thanks for the enthu though - ur right - it is inspirational :)