Thursday, July 24, 2008

the pheonix rises ... a little bit

well then, am back! its been several months of hard hard work... not so much a reason to not write as was the feeling that i hadnt thought enough to write..

its been like that for a few months - restless at mind, need to be constantly doing something almost as if I were afraid that I will stop to think and then realise that its really not what I want to do - after all escapism is inherent in me :(

anyways, today I was sitting at research and complete boredom, bordering on insanity has forced me to start off again! so here I am, hoping that the dam is down and so the water will flow! :)



unpredictable said...

Welcome back! :)

unpredictable said...

Also, not to be a Nazi about this (but being it anyway), you did mean Phoenix right? :P