Thursday, July 24, 2008

just to prove my point!

just to prove my point, here I am!

As I sit at research, the biggggest thing that strikes me is that no matter where u go, there are more things in common between people, rather than the differences..

what she wants in life, what her fears are, what she wishes she had done a little bit more - so so so common....

surprisingly, each one of us springs to point out how 'my country is different, we are different ppl - u guys would never know!'


1 comment:

unpredictable said...

Totally! What she thinks of life and love, her family and kids, her guilt over indulging herself, the attempt to keep everyone happy etc etc .. all the same, no matter where you go .. no matter developed or developing ..

ok maybe i shud post instead of rambling in ur comments space!