Friday, May 18, 2007

simple and powerful!

Check out the excerpt below - my new MD gave this to me in our first 1:1 meeting last month. Now I am as big a cynic (and probably bigger than) as most of you reading this .. but something about these simple 5 lines caught me - as I thought a little about this - the strength of these points really drove home..

Beliefs that drive my behavior:

1) Build an organisation - the volumes/Business will follow:
  • You cant succeed if your people dont
  • Find a mission and culture to rally around
  • Create legacies, not assignment histories

2) Lead, Follow or get out of the way - DONT WHINE:

  • You are an entrepreneur, not a consultant - act, dont just give advice
  • Dont bitch about ur brand team - if you dont believe who will?
  • All teams need cheerleaders - and it starts with us

3) Win externally, dont swirl internally

  • If it doesnt build cases or equity, dont do it
  • Dress up the store, not the office
  • Business should drive processes, not the other way around

4) Business can be much simpler than we make it

  • Win with few big ideas rather than with small scattered ideas
  • Buzz words come and go - fundamentals are forever
  • Focus on the action - not the jargon
  • Cut the swirl - elevate to the decision maker

5) Be ready to quit everyday without regrets

  • Have passions other than, and more lasting than work
  • Do whats right for the business and my people, forget 'agendas', 'promotion timings'

Do post a comment if you didnt understand something - and ill put it in a non-P&G way :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooh, please please do put it in a 'non-P&G way' - we lesser mortals who haven't touched the hallowed portals of your employer need their daily dose of blog-inspired epiphany, a la P&G :P