Tuesday, May 29, 2007

another of those days..

One of those days... gloomy weather outside.. insides groaning and complaining.. work seems like the most distant priority.. people come around asking for stuff and you feel like just answering 'I dont know and I dont care!' :p

but a silver lining exists, even on this dark grey cloud.. the mid week holiday.. the oasis in the middle of the sahara.. i honestly believe that every week should have at least mid week break .. just to help you recover from the wear and tear that office brings..

and of course, there is Friday after that.. and sports again.. come to think of it .. today is almost like a Friday.. should make some harrys plans and some dinnering and all that :)

alright - the days not that bad after all then - of course.. to dampen the spirits.. small matters of work are still there.. sigh!

so.. back to strategic stuff.. setting up meetings, process invoices, print stuff out, write agendas for meetings.. vidyar - we need to start the 'united abm blogger' soon!


Anonymous said...

oh for crying out loud guys, someone leave a comment...you don't want him slitting his wrists or somethin' just coz no one paid attention to his blog! ;)

Vee said...

just for spunks :-)

Anonymous said...

heehee, thanks babeh! don't wanna lose the bf just coz he has an attention-seeking disorder ;)

Anonymous said...

p.s: lovvvve 'anachronistic'!!!

Vee said...

:-) thanks spunks!
Shivie - this weekend - you, me and a computer - lets start that blog!