Thursday, July 31, 2008

the chaps are here!

To break the monotony of our usual life, the party kings are here.. man.. what I'd give for a few more hours of sleep :(

i dont think ive seen clark quay as much as this in the last 2 years hehe :)

anyways, quick poll - after dinner, 2 bags of popcorn and a few drinks - how many McD chicken burgers can you eat? Apparently i wagered that i could eat 8 for 100 dollars. Soon i was actually attempting that .. finally gave up at 5.5 burgers when i was on the brink of dying

Thursday, July 24, 2008

just to prove my point!

just to prove my point, here I am!

As I sit at research, the biggggest thing that strikes me is that no matter where u go, there are more things in common between people, rather than the differences..

what she wants in life, what her fears are, what she wishes she had done a little bit more - so so so common....

surprisingly, each one of us springs to point out how 'my country is different, we are different ppl - u guys would never know!'


the pheonix rises ... a little bit

well then, am back! its been several months of hard hard work... not so much a reason to not write as was the feeling that i hadnt thought enough to write..

its been like that for a few months - restless at mind, need to be constantly doing something almost as if I were afraid that I will stop to think and then realise that its really not what I want to do - after all escapism is inherent in me :(

anyways, today I was sitting at research and complete boredom, bordering on insanity has forced me to start off again! so here I am, hoping that the dam is down and so the water will flow! :)
